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Architecture 2013


Architecture Gallery

Columbia University ‘13, Portfolio Design Award


Making the Switch

From Architecture to UX Design

I’m often asked why I made the switch from architect to UX designer. However, it was hardly a switch. To me, both professions are centered around the same fundamental goal: design enjoyable, useable, accessible experiences for people.

In Architecture school, I was taught a design process that closely parallels that of digital products: analyze the site (domain), understand the needs and goals of client (stakeholders) and occupant (user), sketch, conceptualize, compartmentalize, sketch, storyboard, sketch, prototype, revise, model (develop), peer review, and iterate. Most importantly, seek and be open to feedback from peers and teachers every step of the way.

All fine architectural values are human values, else not valuable.
— Frank Lloyd Wright

click to enlarge

That’s all for now!

To check out more of my work, click any of the links below: